
Glitz (nGtz/GtzGtz) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

The Ixi presents with naturally glittering fur. Glitz can either present on up to 70% of the Ixi's body on its own, or restrict to any one marking. Dominant Glitz can restrict to multiple markings.

  • Glitz can appear across the entire body of the Ixi like an iridescent effect, or cause any marking to become glittering. Dominant Glitz can affect multiple markings.
  • While it isn't quite an edge hardness rule, Glitz should fade out at the edges and become less dense.
  • Glitz should have a shine to it, and this shine should follow a chosen light source like iridescence would. The glitter should become darker and flatter the further away from the light it is.
  • Glitz can be any color, and generally multiple colors are required to make the effect work.
  • Color-modifying genes (eg. Horizon, Glitter) cannot be applied to Glitz (sorry for the lack of glitter glitz), and it will override genes that change all colors on the Rixixi like Prismpitch. However, it will need to appear pastel on Albinism if it is made visible.

Unlike most Rixixi genes, a glitter brush is likely necessary to make Glitz. You will probably get a repetitive motion injury doing it manually. Here are some brushes you can use, if your preferred program isn't listed here or you have a brush you think is useful to know about, let us know!

If you're not familiar making glitter, or you need a refresher, a lovely tutorial can be found here!



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